Friday 8 April 2016

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)

Pierre & Marie Curie University (UPMC) is one of the largest universities teaching science and medicine in France, and indeed in Europe, with 4000 researchers and teaching academics/researchers, 180 laboratories, and some 30 000 students including 8000 in postgraduate studies. UPMC is based in the Latin Quarter in Paris, with most facilities on a campus of 500 000m². UPMC also has branches in regions outside Paris : 3 ocean logical observatories, at Roscoff (Atlantic Ocean), Banyuls and Villefranche-sur-Mer (Mediterranean Sea). Medicine : 2 medical teaching and research units in Paris teaching hospitals [CHUs]: Saint-Antoine and Pitié- Salpêtrière. Partnerships with a number of hospitals and health care centers. The different campuses are part of a complete renovation program


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