Friday 8 April 2016

Freie Universitaet Berlin

At Freie Universitaet, the basis for educating outstanding young academics and scientists lies in granting utmost freedom for the pursuit of ideas, combining personal liberty with strong individual support from academic advisors, and establishing a multitude of opportunities for disciplinary and interdisciplinary networking with young academics as well as seasoned scholars. The university thus encourages graduate students to pursue their studies with a high degree of autonomy and independence. At the same time, Freie Universitaet fosters individual supervision by faculty members from the respective departments and opportunities for regular peer reviews with other graduate students. Freie Universitaet offers masterâ??s degrees in more than 100 subjects; many courses are taught in English. The pursuit of doctoral degrees is possible in almost all subjects the university offers, given that a professor sponsors and advises the studentâ??s research project. In addition to this procedure of an individual working on a dissertation in close cooperation with one faculty member â?? which constitutes the traditional and still most common way to obtain a doctoral degree in Germany â?? Freie Universitaet has set out to develop coordinated programs for the completion of doctoral degrees. These structured programs provide graduate students with the opportunity to work within...

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